Intermediate Ukulele Classes level 1 & 2

Evening Intermediate Ukulele Classes

Intermediate (Level 1)

Next Start:

  • date pending

Duration: for 2 hours per week (7pm – 9pm), for 5 weeks

Costs: $170

Minimum/Maximum class size: 10/16

Held at Dougherty Centre, 7 Victor Street, Chatswood

Parking is available at Dougherty Centre or Chatswood Westfield car park. Or catch a train as we are 2 mins from the station.

Book by contacting Ian – call 0438672732 or email RSVP on Meetup.

Bring a music stand, pencil, ukulele 


Must have your own instrument and music stand

Have completed my Beginner Class, or:

  • Can read basic music notation, and/or TAB
  • Can play C Major 7 C Pentatonic scales
  • Can strum basic thumb and finger strums, including DU and missing beats.
  • Knows the following chord shapes in home position (below the 5th fret):
  • C, Cmaj7,C7,D,D7,Dm, E7,Em, Em7, F,F7,G,G7,G6,Gm,A, A7,Am,Am7, Bb

Curriculum – 

  • Increase picking skills for melody
  • Learn to pick and strum as an introduction to Travis-style picking
  • Increased chord vocabulary using dominant 7ths up the neck.
  • Learn the triple strum and consolidate chuck and fan strum.

Learning Outcomes – Better understanding of how scales make up melodies. Improve dexterity of fingers by learning new picking patterns , increase chord repertoire, and increase strumming patterns repertoire.


This is the follow-on course from Beginners. It is the first of two 5-week Intermediate courses. Each week is a two-hour session of face-to-face learning. It is expected that personal practice between session will be undertaken by students.

A short video covering each week’s material is provide following each lesson to allow students to practice more effectively from home, as well as all the hand-outs you need. Material is presented in both music notation and TAB.

This is the pre-requisitie course for Intermediate 2, where the blues and chromatic scales and more chords up the neck are explored in more detail. We will use a couple of new pieces including the basic 12-bar blues.

The pace is relaxed but still challenging. It has 10 face-to-face hours of directed learning.

Total course fee $170, payable via PayPal if you book through Meetup or in cash on the first night (a small non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place unless booking thru Meetup).

Intermediate (Level 2)

Next Start:  

  • date pending

Duration: 2 hours per week (Tuesday, 7pm – 9pm), for 5 weeks

Cost: $170

Minimum/Maximum class size: 10/16

Venue:  Dougherty Centre, 7 Victor Street, Chatswood

Parking: Available at Dougherty Centre or Chatswood Westfield car park. Or catch a train as we are 2 mins from the station.

Book: Contact Ian – call 0438672732 or email RSVP on Meetup.

Bring a music stand, pencil, ukulele 


Must have your own instrument and music stand

Must have successfully completed my Intermediate (Level 1) and;

  • Can read basic notation, and TAB
  • Can play C Major, C Pentatonic, and C Chromatic scales in home position
  • Can strum basic thumb and finger strums, including DU and missing beats, triple strum (basic)
  • Knows the following chord shapes in home position:
  • C, C7,D,D7,Dm, E7,Em,F,F7,G,G7,Gm,A, A7,Am,Bb

Curriculum – 

  • Learning another couple of chord melodies, including how to make your own chord melody
  • Learning the chromatic scale,
  • Learning the blues scale and how to improvise
  • Increase chord vocabulary with some less-common first position chords and some more chords up the neck, in particular minor 7ths, major 7ths, dominant 7ths, and major chords
  • Learning about ghost-note strumming and when to use it

Learning Outcomes – Better understanding of how chords are structured up the fretboard to add colour and variation to your sound. Be able to play the 12-bar blues in a number of keys other than C. Start to experiment with improvisation using the Blues scale and chromatic scales


This is the second of two Intermediate 5-week courses. Each week is a two-hour session of face-to-face learning. It is expected that personal practice between session will be undertaken by students

A short video covering each week’s material is provide following each lesson to allow students to practice more effectively from home, as well as all the hand-outs you need. Material is presented in both music notation and TAB.

This Level is quite demanding and there is quite a bit of new material and technique covered each week

Total course fee $170, payable via PayPal if you book through Meetup or in cash on the first night (a small non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place unless booking thru Meetup).

Look forward to seeing you there – numbers strictly limited!